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Ofsted Report

Black and white icon of an inspection report featuring a pie chart, bar graph, and text lines.

We were delighted to welcome Ofsted Inspectors to Penkridge Middle School on 21st and 22nd June 2022. Over their two days with us, they took the time to look at all aspects of the school, with a particular focus on English, Maths and French. Included in the inspection was also the behaviour, attitude and personal development of pupils as well as the safeguarding arrangements for the school. Please take a look at the report that we will continue to build from.

Pleasing highlights from the report were;

'Penkridge Middle School provides a calm and friendly environment in which pupils thrive. Pupils feel happy and safe. They attend regularly and feel well supported by staff.'

'The school is ambitious for every pupil. Expectations are high. Pupils understand and respond well to these expectations. They behave well around the school and work hard in lessons.'

'All staff are proud to work in the school.'

To view the full and most recent Ofsted please click the link below.

Ofsted Good Provider badge awarded to Penkridge Middle School.